The main controlling factor in the design of links is the frequency of the uplink and downlink (6/4 GHz).
The optimum radio frequency range of satellite communications is determined technically by,
a) absorption, scattering and refraction phenomena rising in the atmosphere.
b) galactic noise and thermal noise emitted by the atmosphere.
c) the feasibility of constructing satellite antenna with gains appropriate to the service area required.
The best frequency range for systems serving fixed earth stations is about 1-10GHz.
The lower limit is set mainly by galactic noise and the size and mass of satellite antennas.
The upper limit is usually set by attenuation due to heavy rain.
In satellite communication link design the important calculation is the power received by the receiving station.
The transmitting source is considered to be located in free space and supposed to radiate the power PT Watts uniformly in all directions. Normally a directive antenna is used in satellite communication link and the directivity is represented by a finite beam of width θ .
The receiver is characterized by the effective area AR of its antenna and by the noise temperature T of its low noise amplifier.
The transmitting antenna beam illuminates an area AO at the receiver.
The distance between transmitter and receiver is d.
Thus, the receiving antenna intercepts the fraction AR/AO of the transmitted power. Therefore, the power received by the receiving antenna is given by,

The directivity of antenna is described by its gain as,
which is actually the ratio of the area illuminated by an isotropic antenna to that illuminated by the antenna in question.
The product PTGT is called effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP).
The receiving antenna gain GR is related to its effective area AR by,
The power attenuation expressed in decibels is,
which is called as path loss or free space loss and expresses the signal power attenuation between two isotropic antenna in free space.
The free space loss varies with frequency, the higher the frequency, higher the free loss.
Path loss between a satellite in geostationary orbit and the earth station is 195.6dB and 199.1dB at 4GHz and 6GHz respectively.
In real sense there would be a variety of losses and so instead of LFS it may be L such that L=LFS*LA
where LA is additional losses given by,
LFTX = losses between the transmitter output and the transmitting antenna
AAG = attenuation by the atmosphere and ionosphere
ARain = attenuation due to precipitation and clouds
LPOL = losses caused by polarization mismatch between the transmitter and receiver antenna
LPoint = losses caused by antenna depointing
LFRX = losses between the receiving antenna and the receiver input
The gain of an antenna is expressed in terms of actual surface area A by,
where η is the efficiency of the antenna
The product ηA corresponds to the effective area AR.
Normally the efficiency of 60% is taken as good though some antenna may achieve efficiency up to 70%.